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5000x Business Cards

5000x Business Cards Image

Our Business Cards are produced on the most advanced Heidelberg presses, printed either double or single sided on 400gm Silk Art Board with optional double sided lamination - which gives a very stylish and professional smooth finish. If you require lower quantities of unlaminated cards check out

Choose your options below and upload your artwork files on checkout!

Choosing Artwork options
Select the option which applies to you below. You can upload your artwork before checkout.

JUST PRINT FROM MY FILES - We recommend you only choose this option if your files have been created by a design professional - For this option we only accept files exported as a PDF which are within print ready specifications with 3mm bleed, crops marks and at least 300dpi in resolution. We will not carry out any of our preflight and quality checks on your document as these will already have been carried out by yourself prior to submitting the file. We recommend that, unless you are fully aware of the potential pitfalls to look out for when producing Print Ready files and are confident that your files supplied adhere fully to our technical guide, you do not use this service and instead opt for the next option.

SORT OUT MY FILES FOR ME - Use this option if you already have files to print from but they have been created in Word, Powerpoint, Publisher, Photoshop or any other format not yet print-ready and not a PDF with 3mm crops. This charge is to convert these files to print ready format by adding 3mm bleed, crops and checking your files. Please Note: By converting any RGB or Microsoft files or Spot Colours there may be a colour variance to what appears on screen and we cannot be held responsible.

YOU DESIGN IT FOR ME - One of our designers will contact you up to 24 hours upon full checkout. No work can be done until full payment is made and any design time is to be added to the total turnaround time. Most Design jobs take from 1-3 working days depending on the complexity of the design.

Your Price:£175.99